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Hiring Managers
Hiring Managers

I am responsible for setting or reviewing a test or an interview

How and across what parameters does WeCP AI judge a candidate's English Communication Skill
AI Features in WeCPThis article lists all the WeCP's features where AI is used
How to effectively track and optimize your test to improve quality of hireA guide to optimize your online testing process. Track critical metrics to ensure a high quality selection process
How to assess

Contains articles explaining how the candidates' skills in different technologies can be assessed

Skill Library of WeCP
How can I assess Civil Engineering Skills using WeCP?
How can I assess Electrical Engineering Skills using WeCP?
How can I assess Mechanical Engineering Skills using WeCP?
How can I assess Automotive Skills using WeCP?
How do I evaluate and add marks to video type questions?
List of ERP Technologies Supported By WeCP
List of Cyber Security Skills Supported by WeCP
How do I evaluate and add marks to the answers in a manually graded Test?
Recommended scoring pattern for questions
How to assess Java skills on WeCP?
How to assess System designing skills on WeCP?
How to assess Algorithmic skills on WeCP?
How does CodePair Challenge work on WeCP?
What is code quality? How is it assessed in WeCP?
What are the best recommended methods for assessing Computer Science fundamental skills on WeCP?
What are the best recommended methods for assessing frontend development skills on WeCP?
What are the best recommended methods for assessing backend development skills on WeCP?
What are the best recommended methods for assessing fullstack development skills on WeCP?
How candidates' skill in paid enterprise Software/Technologies(that are not licensed) can be assessed on WeCP's platform?
How to assess SAP technologies on WeCP?
How to assess Salesforce skills on WeCP?
How to assess Qlikview developer skills on WeCP?
How to assess Teradata developer skills on WeCP?
How to assess Oracle technologies on WeCP?
How to assess ServiceNow developer skills on WeCP?
How to assess IBM technologies on WeCP?
How to assess Informatica skills on WeCP?
How to assess TIBCO developer skills on WeCP?
How to assess Mainframe skills on WeCP?
How to assess CISCO technologies on WeCP?
Using an AI to grade Subjective QuestionsLearn how to reduce manual and bias evaluation and grade candidate's submission of your subjective questions with AI.
Are Psychometry tests effective for Screening Candidates for business rolesThere have been numerous studies by brain scientists that says psychometry tests may not be effective for employment testing, more below..
Adding Questions

Learn everything about creating, customising, importing and using questions in WeCP

WeCP's Questions Retiring Policy
How to add a video question to your test from the question library?
How does WeCP measure the difficulty, quality, and relevance of each question?
How does WeCP ensure that questions being used in the test do not exist elsewhere or are not plagiarised from Internet?
How does WeCP prevent questions from getting leaked/uploaded on the internet during the test?
Does WeCP offer customised questions?
Create a programming question on MS SQL Server
How to add a work sample type question?
How can I upload testcases to programming questions: one at time?
How to add testcases to a programming(algorithm) question?
How to fill the Basic details section while adding a programming(algorithm) question?
How to add a programming (algorithm) question?
How can I create New Questions in Tests?
How do I create a question in the Question Library?
How can I add individual questions to a test?
How can I Upload Questions to the Question Library?
Does WeCP provide ready-made Tests and Questions?
How do I import questions from the Question Library to a Test?
How do I edit Test Questions in the Question Library?
How can I upload questions in bulk to a test?
What do I do if I get an error while uploading questions in bulk?
How to Edit Questions directly in a Test?
How can I delete a Question from a Test?
Understanding the Question Library
How to Download Questions from the Question Library?
Can I make only a few questions of the Test visible to the candidates?
What will happen if I change the questions after a few candidates have already attempted the test?
How can I restrict the candidates to use only a few specific programming languages to answer a question?